The Undersea Game

"Undersea Game" is an ancient ritual that is used for punishment. While it was mainly used as a scare tactic there is a very likely chance that those who participate in this game will face death. There is a higher chance of mental scarring. It is highly reccomended to not play The Undersea Game. However, for those few thrill seekers searching for a rush, or for those delving into obscure occult rituals, these are simple instructions on how to play. Do so at your own risk...


You will need to venture out into the woods when it is dark out, if you don't, the ritual will not work. You will need a flashlight, a stick, a sombrero, and cubed cheese

Step 1

: Wave your flashlight around in a wild fashion.

Step 2

: Eat the Cubed cheese.

Step 3

: Begin to stomp and screech like a chimpanzee.

Step 4

: Wear the sombrero in a ridiculous fashion. You have just summoned a Sea-Bear.

Step 5

: The game has begun and you will now be stalked by a Sea-Bear for the remainder of your life. To end the game, use the stick to make a dirt circle around you.

DO NOT Run, limp, and/ or crawl, this will agitate the Sea-Bear.

DO NOT make an oval with the stick, this will also agitate the Sea-Bear.

For Sick Thrill Seekers

Should you wish to increase the difficulty of the game, allow the Sea-Bear to attack you or someone else. Doing so will summon a Sea-Rhinoceros. To end the game at this difficulty, you must put on your Anti-Sea-Rhinoceros undergarments.

Good Luck, You are going to need it.